Industry Patents - Search
This database is highly specialized in that
it contains full versions of patents relating to entertainment lighting only.
Note it is NOT exhaustive and is not intended to replace a formal patent
search. It does, however, provide a simple way of obtaining pdf versions of
many of the most important or interesting patents in the industry. I will continue to add
patents to this database as they are issued. You'll also find some older
patents which are historically interesting.
Data is initially included on US patents including both utility
and design patents. (Design patent numbers start with 'D'). European patents may follow.
Search notes: You can search on any combination of fields simultaneously.
Entering just the first few characters in a field will give you all entries starting with
those characters - e.g. entering 'S' for Inventor will find 'Smith', 'Stewart', 'Symonds'
etc. There are some special options, most importantly - '*' is a wildcard - e.g. searching for
'*luminaire' will find both 'Automated luminaire' and 'Fixed luminaire'. If you want to browse
the whole database click 'Search' with all fields empty.
Data current to March 25th 2025
Once the search list is displayed you can click on any of the patent numbers to reach a page giving
detail on that specific patent. You can also download a pdf version
from the detail page.
If you find that I'm missing some
important patents (which I'm sure I am), you find any broken links
or have any suggestions
please send me an e-mail and let me know.
For other US patents you might like to try the Google Patents search below which will open a new browser window to Google Patents.
Disclaimer: This web site is not intended to offer comprehensive or sufficient
information to enable a full legal analysis of a patent or potential
infringement. The information provided on this web site is intended
as general information only, and is not intended to serve as legal
opinion, legal advice or as a substitute for legal counsel. If you
have a question about a specific factual situation, you should
contact an attorney directly